How To Eliminate Sales Objections For Your High-Ticket Coaching

A 5-Step Organic Process To Eliminate “Objections” On Your Sales Calls

The simplest way I know not to get sales objections — is not to do sales calls.

I know what you’re thinking: “How do you sell your high-end program without sales calls? (And without getting sales objections?)”

The answer is simple …

I have an elegant, organic “5-Step Sales Process” that neutralizes objections — so you don’t waste time on clunky, drawn-out calls that end with, “I can’t afford it”.

My Elegant, Organic Five-Step Sales Process

  • Step 1 — I have a super dialed-in, high-end offer that only calls out to a very specific type of expert (this is important — I don’t speak to everyone, and I don’t try to).

  • Step 2 — I create just one post (or video or email) per day where I talk about aspects of the problem my ideal client has — and I aim to shift their thinking around what caused it, and how to solve it.

  • Step 3 — This intrigues my prospective clients, and they begin following me, and they eventually reach out to me. (I don’t do any DM-ing, chasing, or “followup”.)

  • Step 4 — When they reach out, I have a few “qualifying” questions prepared (to be sure I can actually help them).

  • Step 5{This is key} We chat a bit via messenger or email, and if they have questions, I have a bank of “sales assets” that I can send them to…

Why My Bank Of “Sales Assets” Is The Key To Never Hearing “I Can’t Afford It”

Step 5 is absolutely key to this process.

That’s because this repository of “sales assets” is chock full of posts & videos that explain — in exquisite detail — my Unique Transformative Methodology and exactly how I work with my ideal client to get her from Point A to Point B. I hold nothing back.

These “sales assets” are also designed to assist clients who do fit my criteria (whom I therefore can help) to “self-select” — while they help those who don’t fit my criteria (and whom I therefore cannot help) to “opt out”.

The bank of “sales assets” is the magic! Because one of two things happens:

[If she’s a match] Her objections melt away as she binges on my content and learns how my transformational “special sauce” actually works — and she sees how it can work for her. She then reaches out to work with me, and we close the deal over messenger or email.


[If she’s not a match] She comes to the conclusion (on her own) that my program isn’t right for her, and we part friends — with zero time wasted for either of us on a long drawn out sales call, and no embarrassing “I just can’t afford it”.

That’s it!

It’s entirely possible to build a multiple 6-figure business 100% organically using those 5 steps without ever having a sales call — and definitely without ever having to “handle sales objections”.


One Reason You’re Hearing, “I Can’t Afford It” On Sales Calls