How To Sell Your High-End Offer With Long-Form Content
Put the summary here at the beginning.
If you want to sell your high-end offer more often and more easily …
I know that reels, stories, short-form posts are all the rage (and possibly algorithm boosters) …
But the reality is that your Exquisite-Fit Clients AREN’T going to pay you 4- and 5-figures from your short-form content alone.
The industry is too saturated, and the market too sophisticated.
Too many people have had less-than-stellar experiences with coaches who were better at selling what they deliver … than delivering what they sell.
So more people are doing deeper due diligence. (As they should.)
Which means … your potential premium clients are very likely LURKERS.
I know this both from my own experience and that of my clients … we have people signing up “out of nowhere”, every single week.
Those clients didn’t *really* come out of nowhere, of course.
They were watching …
And consuming our LONG-FORM content.
Sure, they may have initially been attracted by a reel or short; those are great for attention.
But once you have their attention …
Premium buyers are going to do their proper due diligence.
They’re going to watch, follow, and binge on everything you’ve created (assuming you’ve curated “bingeable” long-form content) …
Until they feel comfortable enough to reach out.
They’re going to immerse themselves in your content until they “get” how your solution is different from anything they’ve tried … and how you’re uniquely suited to solve their problem …
They’re going to read your content to ascertain that you’re truly an expert and that you actually know what you’re doing.
(And if you’ve done your content right, using something I call the Epiphany Effect™ … your long-form content can be even more powerful than testimonials … but I digress.)
They’re going to steep themselves in the essence of you.
And when they’re ready (if you’ve done your content right), they’ll be reaching out to ask if you have openings.
This can happen, btw, 24 hours from when they find you — or 24 months.
(That’s part of the beauty of creating a body of long-form content … it can both bring immediate clients AND fill your pipeline.)
Very few coaches and experts are mastering this type of content …
But those who do …
Will never have a problem attracting top-tier clients — regardless of the platform, the algorithm, or any other consideration.